Had to show you Captain Poly of the Miss Poly, best and cleanest glass-bottomed boat in the Caribbean. And just a couple of blurry coral pix. . .Cool huh? You just WISH you'd been there!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Okay, Just One. Or Two.
Had to show you Captain Poly of the Miss Poly, best and cleanest glass-bottomed boat in the Caribbean. And just a couple of blurry coral pix. . .Cool huh? You just WISH you'd been there!
More Good-bye
Montego Bay
Our Last Night On the CSI Farm, Part Two
There's something about sitting quietly together around a fire, watching sparks fly up into a darkening sky, Orion and the Big Dipper swinging silently by overhead. We debated mildly about whether those two planets that have been hanging together for weeks now are Venus and Mars, Venus and Jupiter, some other thing entirely? (Does anybody actually know? Inquiring minds would love the true answer!)
Our Last Night On the CSI Farm, Part One
They have a really awesome fire pit, all lined with big stones, and someone, I don't know who, had prepared a really Boy Scoutly teepee bonfire. After supper on Friday, we were sent out, carrying our chairs, to sit by the brightly burning fire and to answer, each for ourselves, two brightly burning questions:
Last Night at the CSI Farm
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
For Our Sins, Work on the Hard Rock Pile!
I forgot to show you what we did instead of finishing the greenhouse. Actually, there were several jobs passed around. I'm not sure what all of them were. Some had to start digging a new foundation hole next to this house, but I don't have pictures, more's the pity, of them slaving to dig out the most amazingly heavy clay you ever tried to muck out of the ground! Chris McKenzie said it well: "This stuff is glue!"
Cameron's Turmeric
Cameron's Scotch Bonnet Peppers
Cameron's Cocoa Tree
Cameron's Cocoa Tree
Cameron's Farm
Cameron is a young man who lives nearby and is a friend of CSI. He was educated in the states and has gone back home to Jamaica to try to revive his old family farm and give employment to as many people in his economically depressed parish as possible. We were all pretty much awestruck at all he's accomplished already. His main products so far are little yellow Scotch Bonnet peppers (innocent-looking--don't trust them!HOT!!!), and turmeric, the things in the white bag that look kind of like large grubs. He also has a "cocoa walk" (what you call a plantation of cocoa trees) but has trouble with rot, which blackens the pods, rats, which eat into them, and the need of processing. He said at one point you were required to sell all your cocoa powder only to the government, for $8/lb, and they turned around and resold it for $64. Now, if he can build his own processing building, which sounds fairly doable, he can employ more workers and sell the powder for more. (I told him I'd buy it!)
This is a picture of Cameron's farmhouse.
Cameron's Farm
More Greenhouse Progress
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this. Here are some pictures of the greenhouse as near complete as we got it. We were unable to completely finish it, because parts for the gutters didn't arrive in time. So our crew chief, Patrick, gave us different work to do, which will be the subject of the next post.
More Greenhouse Progress
Friday, March 16, 2012
Greenhouse Progress
Appropriate Technology
Here's a handy-dandy hand-washing station for those who want to save water. I'm not sure if Deborah designed this herself, but at any rate, she's the one who shared the design with us. The jug is filled with water, and there are a few small holes high in its side. A string is tied from the handle of the jug to a stick. When not in use, the stick is propped up against the post. When you want to wash your hands, you put the stick down, put your foot on it, and it tips the jug so that water comes out of the holes like a little faucet. Below is a dug-out area filled with gravel, so it doesn't get muddy. This same area acts as an entry way to the existing greenhouse.
Catching Up
Sorry! I haven't been able to keep you updated for the past couple of days. Whenever I wasn't too busy, the internet was unstable.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Big Fig Tree
The Big Tree is too big to get into one picture, so here are some of the bottom and some of the top. You really can't get the scale of this thing, but I will post a couple more that I think give the impression better. The picture at the bottom actually happened first--it's a view of us heading down the steep jungly path to head for The Big Tree.
Going to Church
Past Pictures--The Cool Spot
I have some pictures uploaded now, which go with earlier blogs. But since I can't figure out how to add them in the text where I want them, I'm just going to add them in their own mini blog entries.