Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fine Linen, Chapter Twelve

[I've been gone, then unwell, then overwhelmed by busyness. . . D'ja miss me? :-)]

At last, they felt the rod turning again, but this time something was different. They were being unrolled from the rod. Lina stretched and breathed deeply. Better!
But no. They were rolled up again, as tightly as before, and laid on yet another shelf.
Lina sighed. On second thought, she tried to decide if she would rather have things happening to her than to lie around waiting all the time.
She had not yet decided which she preferred when the hands came for them again. Two rolls of thread were taken from the shelf. Their ends were tied together, and once again they were set swinging and twirling, this time in the opposite direction from the last time. The two threads twisted together to make one stronger thread. Lina had long since made friends with the fibers which were now one with her, and she found she rather enjoyed the feeling of the hands running the length of the thread, smoothing, guiding, controlling the twist.
Then they were rolled up into balls again. "Oh, well," they murmured to each other. "Waiting time again."

To be continued. . .
Repairing the Breach,

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