Sunday, July 02, 2006

Fine Linen Bible Study Passages

We can learn a lot from a flax plant, can't we? Using the stages of Lina's life and the following Bible passages, ask God what you can learn about your own development from something beautiful into something even more beautiful.

The Rumor:
I John 3:2; Ephesians 2:19-22
The Beginning (that seemed like the end):
Proverbs 14:12; 16:25
To ponder -- If what seems like the right way to us is really death, is it possible that what seems like death to us can be the right way?
Matthew 19:39
The theft of the seed head:
Mark 4:29; John 4:36
(What Lina didn't know is that those seds were harvested and made into flaxseed oil, which then blessed many people in many ways.)
Look up "fruit" in a concordance and study as many references as appeal to you. Especially notice John 12:24 and all of John 15.
To ponder -- When we bear fruit, is the fruit for our own use and enjoyment, or for others', or for both?
Retting (a process in which flax is soaked to soften and loosen its woody parts. Great care must be exercised to see to it that the plant is softened enough to work, but not enough to rot.):
Isaiah 8:5-8 Have you had an experience like this? Did you think you would drown?
Isaiah 40:12, first part; 43:1, 2

More tomorrow. . .

Repairing the Breach,

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